I have wondered frequently what posting from my android would be like. Just the thought of fighting with the tiny keys and constant errors in typing have held me at bay from attempting it. Patience is a virtue but certainly not one of mine. However, we are 4 or 5 sentences into this blog now and I am here to tell you the imagined experience is far worse than the reality. This is actually going quite well.
It is interesting how we can talk ourselves into and out of various experiences based on our concept of what it might be like. I speak for myself here, but I have noticed the attitude I focus on an upcoming event has a major impact on the difficulty levels I actually experience. If I can avoid detailed thinking before going somewhere, getting out the door to go tends to be much easier. But if my time prior to is spent dwelling on the difficulties of some previous occasions, it becomes even more of a challenge. Often faced with memories of unpleasantness in prior experience, I feel fatigued and stressed as a result. I want so much to do what was planned but am so rooted in the difficulties of the past I do not have the will necessary to get there. Since my disability I have found it is essential that I keep my focus on the goal and avoid thinking about the previous difficulties if I want to get out the door. With a clear head I then can expect that each experience will be unique unto itself. Some I will enjoy more than others. The important point is I will experience these opportunities rather than giving up because of preconceived notions.
While I am still here, and that could be for sometime to come, I want to live my life. I will not allow my mind to trick me into avoiding one more single event. I have missed enough. And mobile blogging? Yep I will do this again. It has been painless thus far and for some the benefits are huge. I will update in comments about how the editing and sharing experience is. I am expecting a very pleasant experience. Based on the smoothness of this experience thus far my expectations should be right on.
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